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Every business & every brand online


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Website Design & Hosting

At Placka Company, we specialize in creating visually stunning and highly functional websites that reflect your unique brand identity.

Our basic design package includes:

Website Hosting Services:

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!

Website Re-design & Hosting

At Placka Company, we specialize in creating visually stunning and highly functional websites that reflect your unique brand identity.

Our basic Re-design package includes:

Website Hosting Services:

Or… Keep your current hosting services and we will provide you instructions and your Redesigned Website files. (WordPress only)

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!

Logo Design Services

Enhance Your Brand with Our Expert Logo Creation and Recreation Services

Our Logo design package services:

more features:

We work closely with you throughout the design process to ensure satisfaction.

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!

Graphic Design Services

Elevate Your Visuals with Our Expert Graphic Design Services

Our Graphic Design package services:

more features:

We work closely with you throughout the design process to ensure satisfaction.

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!

Electronic Business Card Services

An electronic business card, also known as an e-business card or digital business card, is a modern alternative to traditional paper business cards. It serves the same purpose of sharing professional contact information but in a digital format.

Our E-Business Card package service includes:

more features:

We work closely with you throughout the design process to ensure satisfaction.

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!

QR Codes Services

Enhance Your Business with Our QR Code Services

Our QR Codes service includes:

more features:

We work closely with you throughout the design process to ensure satisfaction.

Use this form to request a quote or ask any questions about this package! Please include the type of business or brand you are running and we can further assist you!